Next, you'll be given two options for joining your meeting: Join as a guest or Sign in and join. Be sure to allow it so others in the meeting will be able to hear you. Teams will ask if it's okay to use your mic. If you have an iOS device, tap the meeting link again to open the app. If you have an Android device, open the app right from the app store page. If you don't already have the Teams mobile app, you'll be taken to your app store to download it. In the meeting invite, select Click here to join the meeting.

However, those who utilize WSUS and WUfB won’t have the chance to experience this.Even if you don't have a Teams account, you can still join a Teams meeting on the mobile app. With this, you will be able to prevent further unauthorized acceptance of the browser on your system. Microsoft Edge Chromium Blocker Toolkit is a handy utility application that gives you the option to block or unblock the automatic deployment and installation of the Microsoft Edge browser, along with the updates brought by Windows. Bear in mind that desktop devices that operate Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) or Windows Update for Business (WUfB) are excluded from this specific automated update. You could also use the particular policy to execute the action across systems in their environment centrally. Meanwhile, the Group Policy Administrative Template authorizes administrators to import the new group policy settings to either block or unblock automatic delivery of the browser into their Group Policy environment. All the switches that will be used here are mutually exclusive and only the first valid switch from a given command is acted on. The action you’ll place highly depends on the command-line option you utilized. With the use of the blocker script, it allows you to create a register key that puts the associated value to block or unblock the automatic deployment of Microsoft Edge on either the local or a remote target machine.