Watch video response =youtube.watch_video ( time = '160', video_url = 'video link' ) Send Feedback to Developers bot_nd_feedback ( feedback = "Need help with this. Import from youtube_video_viewer_bot import * As soon as this library is imported in code, automated browser will open up in which video will be opened.Ĭomplete documentation for YouTube Automation available here Installation pip install youtube-video-viewer-bot YouTube Viewer Bot - YTBot 2021 01-18-2021, 10:44 AM Removed by staff. This module depends on the following python modulesīot_studio is needed for browser automation. Youtube.watch_video ( time = '160', video_url = '' ) #provide time in seconds In this example we first import library, then we watched video using simple function. Language: All Sort: Most stars MShawon / YouTube-Viewer Star 1. Youtube-Video-Viewer-Bot is a python library which watch the video till the length(time) provided using browser automation. viewbot Star Here are 33 public repositories matching this topic.